
Hi. I’m Kaavya. I’m an 22 year old adult (read ‘kid) who loves anything creative. I write poetry, click photos, read books, and diy quite a lot.

Welcome to my blog!

Through this blog, I wish to create a space that inspires all those who come across it to embark on their creative journey. I mostly write poetry, and click pictures to go along with them. We also talk a bit about books, photography and art around here!

The Humble Beginnings

I made this blog as part of a school project in Standard 7th. We had a really cool English teacher who encouraged me to start writing, and to keep a diary. And as a direct result of his encouragement, I tried to keep up with the blog.

This blog is an aesthetic organisation of the creative mess that is in my head. It is also an attempt to inspire my readers to just keep dreaming!

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